According to IRNA, the head of the Persian Gulf Science and Technology Park said: In the said exhibition, more than 60 technological and knowledge-based companies of the country will display their latest achievements in this exhibition.

حسن حبیبی افزود: برگزاری نمایشگاه‌های داخلی با حضور شرکت‌های فناور و دانش بنیان فرصتی برای بهره‌‏گیری از توان و ظرفیت متخصصان و فناوران داخلی است.

The organizer of the exhibition said: The companies present in this exhibition will present their products related to the oil, gas and petrochemical industry for three days from today.

Amin Khajeyan added: The purpose of holding this exhibition is to introduce domestic manufacturing companies in the South Pars Energy Special Economic Zone.

Technology unit of Pars Bazaar Accelerators, one of the units located in the Persian Gulf Science and Technology Park and the regional technology broker of Bushehr province, the organizer of the third specialized exhibition, information technology, communication, security and protection and the first HSA exhibition in the oil and gas industry and Asaloye Petrochemical.

The presence of Duniya Aman Mahan company in the exhibition

Mahan's safe world collection also had a colorful presence in this exhibition and displayed its products to visitors. Various inspection and security products of this collection, expert team, countless customers and years of experience in this field are important.

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